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6th-8th Grade Math

In grades 6th-8th, students will be using a conceptual curriculum published by Connected Math Project (CMP).  The textbook approaches mathematics from a real-world perspective so that students will better understand and see the relevance of mathematics in their everyday lives.  Click here for math content by unit per grade level.


8th Grade Algebra

8th grade students that will are enrolled in Algebra will be using a conceptual curriculum published by College Preparatory Mathematics (CPM). This course is designed to provide a wide base of mathematical knowledge with an emphasis on algebra. Click here for Math Content by Unit.


Math Lab

Math Lab is a class that is designed to help students be successful in math class. Students will have the opportunity to review and practice the concepts learned from the previous day and will be pre-taught the concepts that will be learned later in the day during their traditional math class. Students that may be struggling with certain topics will be able to receive extra help during Math Lab as well. This is an elective course and is limited to 15 students per section.


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